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Drs. Meg Cattell and Arden Nelson have prepared these research summaries as a way of introducing you to a bit of the science that is known about our favorite topics. These topics accent the knowledge about human nutrition that is at the intersection of human health and consumption of animal products.

If we feed our food animals properly, they will feed us properly. Each of us has a health status that is a combination of the genes we inherited from our ancestors, and the nutrition we put into our bodies. Health happens when our bodies receive the nutrients that are needed.

These summaries are taken from the results of research that has been peer reviewed and published, and often represents the most current knowledge available.

We cared about your nutrition when we were making the best animal origin food for you. Even though we are retired from farming, our caring goes on today in the form of continued updates to our Learning Center, assisting you with understanding the latest in human nutrition knowledge.

Nutrition is everything to cows and to humans!!

All About CLA

CLA: definition, research, and more...

All About Omega 3

Omega 3: definition, research, why it is important to your body!

Flaxseed to Animals to Humans

The French fed flaxseed to food producing animals, then fed those animals to humans. Want to know more?

Global Survey of Omega-3 Blood Levels:

Healthy Adult Levels of EPA and DHA around the world.

Hyperglycemia and Omega-3 Index

Association between Omega-3 Index and Hyperglycemia Depending on Body Mass Index among Adults in the United States

Mimicking the Pre-migratory Omega-3 Doping by Migratory Sandpipers

Semi-palmated Sandpipers Increase their intake of Omega-3 Prior to their 5000+ mile migration. Want to know more?

Omega 3 Curves

Human female curves, babies, lactation and Omega-3 PUFAs - what is the connection?

Omega-3 Index and CAD Death Risk

The Omega-3 Index: a new risk factor for death from coronary heart disease?

Omega-3 Index and Cognitive Function in Women

Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids status and cognitive function in young women

Omega-3 Index and Obesity in Women

Association between Obesity and Omega- 3 Status in Healthy Young Women

Omega-6 and Omega-3 Content in Commonly-used Oils

O-6 and O-3 in oils and nut oils

State of Fat in U.S. Diet

All about fat in the U.S. diet : the good, bad, and ugly.

Adipose CLA and Heart Attacks

Adipose CLA levels affect heart attack incidence

Dietary Linoleic Acid for Secondary Prevention of Heart Disease: the Sydney Diet-Heart Study Update

This is a re-evaluation of the data from 1966-1973 study done in Sydney, Australia.

Fatty Acids and Coronary Artery Disease in Alaskan Natives

Learn How the Omega-3 Index correlates with heart disease risk factors.

Lyon Diet Heart Study

The most important diet intervention study for heart attack prevention!

Marine n-3 Fatty Acids and Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease and Cancer

This recent and massive(n=25,871) U.S. study shows that fish oil is powerful!

Omega-3 Index

The Omega-3 Index is a laboratory measurement of PUFA status.

RBC Lifespan Affects Omega-3 Index

RBC Lifespan and Omega-3 Index Testing: Helping You Decide When to Have Your Omega-3 Index Test Performed

Repatha: A New LDL Cholesterol Lowering Drug

It really lowers LDL Cholesterol. How did it perform in a worldwide, 25,564 person research trial?

Statins and Omega-3s: A Review

This review compares effectiveness of statins and omega-3s using mortality data.

Statins, Fish Oil versus Heart Attacks:

Statins with Fish Oil help prevent secondary Heart Disease

Sydney Diet Heart Study

Data from Sydney Diet Heart Study of 1973 re-visited and re-analyzed

AA and DHA in Breast Milk Around the World

AA and DHA in Breast Milk Around the World

Breast Milk Changes due to DHA in Algal Oil

Breast Milk Changes due to DHA in Algal Oil

Breast Milk Changes During Lactation

Does Breast Milk Change to Better Feed Baby?

Breast Milk Changes In Long Term Vegetarians

Are these changes known and understood by vegetarians?

Breast Milk Compared : Tsimane vs Cincinnati Mothers

Does Mom's Nutrition Affect Breast Milk Nutrition?

Breast Milk Composition in Cuban Mothers

Breast Milk Composition in Cuban Mothers

Breast Milk in Vegans

Human Diets have Profound Influence on Breast milk Composition

Changing Breast Milk Fatty Acids

Human breast milk fat is very changeable

Consumption of organic foods and risk of atopic disease during the first 2 years of life in the Netherlands

This study is a follow-up to the Dutch Breastmilk Study. Organic Food Consumption reduced the chances of eczema development.

DHA in Mothers and Infants in Taiwan

DHA in Mothers and Infants in Taiwan

Dutch Breast Milk Study

Organic Eating Dutch Mothers' Milk is Higher in CLA

Fish Oil Supplements and Testicular Function:

Associations of Fish Oil Supplement Use With Testicular Function in Young Men

Imbalance between Omega-6 and Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids in Early Pregnancy is Predictive of Postpartum Depression

10-20% of recent mothers suffer from postpartum depression. Diet changes can help prevent this.

Long Chain PUFAs and Pregnancy Outcome

PUFA levels have an amazing amount of correlation with pregnancy outcomes

Omega-3 Supplements to Pregnant Women Decreased Allergic Disease in Infants

This Swedish study shows a great reduction in allergic disease for the first two years of life in the babies born to fish oil supplemented mothers.

Placental Transfer of DHA

Placental Transfer of DHA

Placental Transfer of Fatty Acids

The Placenta Concentrates the Levels of Select Fatty Acids Sent to the Baby

Preconception Exposure to Phthalates and Phthalate Substitutes 
With Preterm Birth

Preterm birth is the factor most strongly associated with neonatal mortality and long-term morbidity globally.

Seafood Intake, Sexual Activity, and Time to Pregnancy

More Seafood Eaten Resulted in more Sex and More Pregnancies

Trends in Sperm Counts:

A meta-analysis of 244 studies from 1973-2011 shows steady decline

Blood Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Death from CoViD-19

This California study show a drastic reduction in death by CoViD-19 with higher Omega-3 Index.

Cognitive Impairment Is Associated with a Low Omega-3 Index in the Elderly

Changing your diet to change your Omega-3 Index can reduce your cognitive impairment during aging.

Degenerative Rotator Cuff Tears Are Associated With a Low Omega-3 Index

Are you getting the idea that Omega-3 fatty acids are important to your body in a whole bunch of ways?

Dietary Alteration of Omega-6 and Omega-3 for Headache Reduction in Adults with Migraine

Changing your intake of omega-6 and Omega-3 can alter your migraine days !

Higher Omega-3 Index Associated with Decreased CoViD-19 Severity

Can You Imagine that a Nutritional Factor Like the Need for an Essential Fatty Acid Might Change the Course of CoViD-19 Disease?

Incorporation and Clearance of Omega-3 in RBCs and Plasma

Incorporation and Clearance of Omega-3 Fatty Acids in Erythrocyte Membranes and Plasma Phospholipids

Krill Oil versus Fish Oil

Enhanced increase of omega-3 index in healthy individuals with response to 4-week n-3 fatty acid supplementation from krill oil versus fish oil

Medical Food 7-day Blood FA Changes

Supplementation with a Fish Oil-Enriched, High-Protein Medical Food Modulates Immune Responses within One Week in Healthy Men and Women

Omega 3 Conversion, Distribution, and Dose Response

How diet and metabolism affect your Omega 3 Levels

Omega-3 Content in Salmon in the United Kingdom

Think all salmon is the same? You need to see this review.

Omega-3 Index Affects Outcome of Severe CoViD-19

Higher Omega-3 Index means better survival.

Omega-3 Index in Injured Recreational Runners

Distance Run Weekly and Certain Essential Fatty Acid Levels had an Association with Runners’ Injuries.

Omega-3 Index in NCAA Football Players

Football Players are Far More Prone to Suffer Cardiac Disease and Head Trauma. Think that Omega-3 levels may be important to know?

Omega-3 Index in Seven Countries

Big picture perspective on Omega-3 Index.

Omega-3 Index in the U.S. by Age-Groups

More perspective on the Omega-3 Index.

Omega-3 Supplementation Increases CoViD-19 Survival

This Iranian study supplemented fish oil to critically ill CoViD-19 patients and greatly reduced deaths.

Omega-3s, Bone Density and Injuries in Female College athletes:

Connection between Omega-3 levels and Injuries in College Female Athletes?

RBC Lifespan Affects Omega-3 Index

RBC Lifespan and Omega-3 Index Testing: Helping You Decide When to Have Your Omega-3 Index Test Performed

The Omega-3 Index is Inversely Associated with the Neutrophil-Lymphocyte Ratio in Adults

The Neutrophil-Lymphocyte Ratio, is an emerging biomarker of systemic inflammation and the innate-adaptive immune system balance that is readily accessible from a complete blood count.

Topical Fish Oil and Ultrasound Assist Tendon Healing:

Rat Study shows how various healing therapies compare.

Training Affects Muscle Membrane Fatty Acid Composition:

Want to guess whether Omega-3s or Omega-6s Increase with training?

UK Biobank DHA and CoViD-19 Disease

A higher Omega-3 Index means the lower your chances of getting CoViD-19, the lower your chances of being hospitalized, and the lower your chances of dying from CoViD-19

Degenerative Rotator Cuff Tears Are Associated With a Low Omega-3 Index

Are you getting the idea that Omega-3 fatty acids are important to your body in a whole bunch of ways?

Omega-3 Index in Injured Recreational Runners

Distance Run Weekly and Certain Essential Fatty Acid Levels had an Association with Runners’ Injuries.

Omega-3s, Bone Density and Injuries in Female College athletes:

Connection between Omega-3 levels and Injuries in College Female Athletes?

Topical Fish Oil and Ultrasound Assist Tendon Healing:

Rat Study shows how various healing therapies compare.

Training Affects Muscle Membrane Fatty Acid Composition:

Want to guess whether Omega-3s or Omega-6s Increase with training?

ALA in Maternal Diet Produces Milk with No DHA

This confirms that dogs need a direct source of EPA, DHA, just like us humans!

Effects of Fish-based Food in Police Dogs

Omega-3 Index went from .5 to over 9.0, plus lower cholesterol, lower glucose and better anti-oxidant status! Only with fish oil? Really?!

Fatty Acid Changes in Dogs with the Right Diet

Feed enough EPA, DHA to dogs and they start placing these into their RBC membranes and rejecting omega-6 PUFAs, and it starts in the first seven days!

Omega-3 Index for Dogs and Cats

Derivation of the Omega-3 Index from EPA and DHA Analysis of Dried Blood Spots from Dogs and Cats

Omega-3 Index Tests If Dogs Can Use ALA as Source of EPA, DHA

Can Dogs Use SC-PUFAs or are they just like us humans that need an EPA and DHA source?

Weight Lifters Gain More Muscle on Milk

Weight lifters found to gain more muscle and lose more fat on milk than protein drink

Cardiovascular Disease and General Health

Cardiovascular Disease and General Health

Discover Magazine Excerpts and Comments

Comments on Selected Excerpts from Discover Magazine's January 2008 TOP 100 Science Stories of 2007

Autism and Pesticides

Increased autism spectrum disorders found in children of mothers exposed to pesticides during early pregnancy

Part 1: Organic Dairy Advantages (Omega-3 EFA)

How did we get to the point of suffering from a plague of diseases that have a fairly simple EFA deficiency as one of the principle causes? It was a multi-step process that has taken thousands of years, but most of the high impact changes have happened since 1950.

Part 2: Organic Dairy Advantages (CLA)

Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) (also called rumenic acid) is is a fatty acid that is made by the team of the rumen bacteria and the cows’ tissues. During its change, it transforms from an omega-6 fatty acid (linoleic acid) that we already have too much of in our typical American diet (see part 1 of this series) to a powerful fatty acid that prevents and even helps cure cancer, helps prevent obesity, helps prevent atherosclerosis, and helps prevent diabetes mellitus!

Omega-3 Reading List

Nutrition is everything to the dairy cow. Research has started to find the facts to support that this is also true in humans! Nutrition is everything.

A1 and A2 Milk

In a recent Weston A. Price Foundation (WAPF) “Nourishing Traditions All Thumbs Book Review” article describing “Devil in The Milk: Illness, Health and The Politics of A1-A2 Milk”, a statement was made that has been repeated often and is still erroneous.

Omega 3 and Human Health

This Windsor Dairy Slide presentation presents the knowledge to understand the importance of enough Omega-3 essential fatty acid in the human diet.

Stanford Organic-Conventional Foods Study

Stanford published their meta-analysis study on the safety of organic and conventional foods. Their press releases and the subsequent press coverage was not representative of the results of their study.

Blood Glucose Patterns After Eating Carbs vs Fats

When you eat fat, do you get hungry earlier or later?

Dietary Calcium and Obesity

In high fat diets, higher calcium from dairy products decreases obesity.

Evaluation of Milk Type Consumed and Weight Status of Preschoolers

It has been assumed that if kids drink higher fat milk, they will be fatter.

Farmed Salmon in Mouse Diets Changes the Mice

Farmed Salmon are Different than Wild Salmon because their diets are different.

Fatty Acids Control Body Composition in Mice

CLA fed to mice resulted in the lowest body fat percentage.

Mouse Adipose Stimulation

Mice fed high fat diets with Omega-6 gained more weight

Obesity and Omega-3 EFAs

Exhaustive literature review of obesity-omega-3 relationship

Obesity and Vitamin D by Milk Type Consumed by Young Kids

Are we feeding the right fat level milk to our kids?

Omega-3 PC Affects Fatty Rats

Diets higher in Omega-3 decrease liver and blood fats in fat prone rats.

A worldwide survey of neonicotinoids in honey

A worldwide survey of neonicotinoids in honey

Association of Frequency of Organic Food Consumption With Cancer Risk

The French look at Cancer Risk Based on Organic vs Conventional Food Consumption – Interested in Results?

Autism and OC Pesticides

Autism and Fetal Organochlorine Pesticide Exposure

DDT and Breast Cancer:

Girl babies exposed to DDT in utero have more breast cancer!

DDT World Exposure

People are exposed to DDT still today through either breathing or eating

Maternal DDE and Preterm and Small Babies

This study shows an association between maternal serum levels of DDE and the births of preterm and small for gestational age babies.

Pesticides and ADHD

Pesticides and ADHD

Pesticides Antibiotics Conventional Organic Milk USA 2019

When you serve your children certified organic milk, you protect them from pesticides used in conventional cattle feed and milk production.

Your Children and Pesticides

Your Children and the Pesticides You Feed Them

Uruguayan Beef Study

See how Grass Fed Compared to Grain Fed Beef in Uruguayan Study

Windsor Dairy Foods Overview

Windsor Dairy Foods Overview

Wisconsin Grass Fed Dairy Study

First Phase of Study Examines Properties of Grass Fed Dairy Products

Aracauna Eggs Compared to Brown Eggs

Many of you have reported that Aracauna Eggs are Better - Here's Proof!

Aracauna Farm Eggs Compared to Confinement Eggs

Many of you have reported that Aracauna Eggs are Better - Here's Proof!

Alpine Cheese

Alpine Cheese is Different than Lower Elevation Cheese, It's Higher in Omega-3

Bovine Milk Fatty Acids

Bovine Milk is not Bovine Milk

Casomorphine and A1-A2 milk

Casomorphine and A1-A2 milk

Fatty Acids in Organic and Conventional Milk

Fatty Acid Levels in Organically and Conventionally Produced Milk

Feeding Flaxseed to cows changes their milk

Feeding extruded whole flaxseed to cows increases the omega-3 content in milk, butter and cheese.

Grassmilk Fatty Acid Profiles

Large U.S. Study Comparing Conventionally Produced, Organically Produced, and Grass Fed Milk.

Organic Milk Higher in Omega-3 and CLA

Organic Milk Higher in Omega-3 and CLA

Raw Milk Quailty: Conventional vs Farmstead Cheese

Reviews of two studies: New York conventional milk and Vermont farmstead raw milk cheese