What is Windsor Dairy's Learning Center?

Meg and Arden of Windsor Dairy

Dr. Meg Cattell and Dr. Arden Nelson have curated these research summaries demonstrating the interconnections between human health and the consumption of organic bovine products.

Nutrition is everything to cows and to humans!

If we feed our food animals properly, they will feed us properly. Each of us has a health status that is a combination of the genes we inherited from our ancestors, and the nutrition we put into our bodies. Health happens when our bodies receive the nutrients that are needed.

These summaries are taken from the results of research that has been peer reviewed and published, and often represents the most current knowledge available.

During the production of our top-quality animal-based food, we prioritized your nutrition. While we have retired from farming, our dedication remains steadfast through ongoing updates to our Learning Center. Our aim is to help you stay informed about the latest advancements in human nutrition.

The Learning Center has been updated as of March 2023. Here are 6 random articles. Refresh your browser window to randomize them again. Be sure to use the Nav Menu to see the latest!

Placental Transfer of Fatty Acids

The Placenta Concentrates the Levels of Select Fatty Acids Sent to the Baby

Omega-3 Index Tests If Dogs Can Use ALA as Source of EPA, DHA

Can Dogs Use SC-PUFAs or are they just like us humans that need an EPA and DHA source?

Training Affects Muscle Membrane Fatty Acid Composition:

Want to guess whether Omega-3s or Omega-6s Increase with training?

Omega-3 Supplementation Increases CoViD-19 Survival

This Iranian study supplemented fish oil to critically ill CoViD-19 patients and greatly reduced deaths.

Dutch Breast Milk Study

Organic Eating Dutch Mothers' Milk is Higher in CLA

The Omega-3 Index is Inversely Associated with the Neutrophil-Lymphocyte Ratio in Adults

The Neutrophil-Lymphocyte Ratio, is an emerging biomarker of systemic inflammation and the innate-adaptive immune system balance that is readily accessible from a complete blood count.

Windsor Dairy, LLC

We sold our dairy farm by Windsor in January of 2015

  1. Therefore, we no longer produce raw milk, raw milk cheese, raw pork, or raw eggs.
  2. We extend special and deep-felt thanks to all of our members and customers that supported our food production for so many years. We are very glad we met you!

Meg and Arden